
Gel Documentation System

The documentation of gels is a process which is carried out in a photodocumentation of gels, this equipment is part of the special equipment of molecular biology laboratories. Among its functions, it allows to observe, take pictures and analyze the bands of the gels after electrophoresis. In other words, it allows to visualize the bands in the gels that are not visible to the naked eye because these devices have a high resolution and focusing lenses that considerably improve the results.

Thanks to technological development, gel documentation systems are now available, specifically designed to fit the needs of each laboratory, offering innovative solutions for protein image capture and analysis.

The great advantage of gel-based documentation is that it reduces the user’s operating time and, as 


Types of Gel Documentation System a Lab May Need

Gel System YR04961 - YR04962

The gel analysis and documentation system is designed for the detection and documentation of nucleic acids and proteins. It adopts a high-resolution, high-sensitivity scientific CCD camera, which allows the instrument to capture signals...


Gel System YR04963-YR04964

The front panel and door are designed by Reaction Injection Molding. It is environmentally friendly, According to the app, only use Arabic numerals, which are automatically combined in different applications...


Our best-selling Gel Documentation System

YR04961 Series Gel Documentation and Analysis System is designed for the detection and documentation of nucleic acids and proteins. It adopts a high resolution and high sensitive scientific CCD-Camera, which enables the instrument to capture utter weak signals under extremely low illumination condition. The automatic controls and the intuitive software we offered can help the researchers to get rid of the complicated operation process and increase therefore the experiment efficiency.

Catalog of Gel Documentation System models on offer


Guides for you to become an expert in Gel Documentation System

Gel Documentation Systems are essential products in a laboratory, we provide guides and recommendations for better use, so you can work as an expert   

What is a Gel Photo Documentation System?

A system of photo documentation of gels, is a composite system used to observe, take photos and analyze the bands...

Documentation of gels and protein purification

The documentation of gels is a process that is carried out is a team that allows to observe, take pictures and analyze...

Electrophoresis and Gel Documentation Systems

The gel used in gel electrophoresis is usually made from a material called agarose, which is a gelatinous substance...

Gel documentation: types and uses

The documentation of gels is a process that is carried out is a photodocumenter of gels, this equipment is part of the special equipment of the laboratories of molecular biology. Among its functions are allowing to observe, take photos and analyze bands of gels after electrophoresis...

Frequently asked questions about Gel Documentation Systems from our customers

To know the price of Gel Documentation System we invite you to send us an email with your request through the contact form.

The delivery time of your Kalstein product will depend on the following: 

  1. If the equipment of your interest is in stock or if on the contrary it should be manufactured. 
  2. The type of freight you have chosen may be; air or sea.
  • Equipment in stock:  

–Delivery Time (Aereo): 15-30 days.  

– Delivery Time (Maritimo): 45-60 days. 

  • Equipment not in stock: 

– Delivery Time (Aereo): 30-60 days.  

– Delivery Time (Maritimo): 60-90 days. 

You can make your purchase through: 

  1. By email: [email protected] 
  2. By phone: +33 (0) 1 78 95 87 02
  3. Electronic commerce: Through Kalstein's official website in his country. 
All Kalstein equipment has a 1-year warranty against manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover damage caused by a poor installation or operation by the user, transportation defects or uses other than those specified by the manufacturer. Warranty excludes electrical or consumable parts. For more information visit our "terms and conditions" by clicking HERE

At Kalstein we provide our customers with inductions and technical support through new online methods. You can visit our inductions, technical assistance and guidance videos provided by a Kalstein team through our YouTube channel (Kalstein English). HERE

Of course, you can request a quote for the Kalstein team of interest, directly from our official website. Once you have identified the model of your choice, click HERE

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